Gun Confiscation Image Reference February 2011

February 22, 2011
Arizona Daily Star: Reinstate ban on military-style assault weapons

Gun Confiscation Reference February 2011

February 22, 2011
Arizona Daily Star: Reinstate ban on military-style assault weapons

Reinstate ban on military-style assault weapons
Our view: Imperfect as law was, it noticeably reduced flow of such lethal guns
Feb 22, 2011
This country needs to re-impose a new, effective ban on military-style assault weapons.

Banning semiautomatic assault weapons designed to kill lots of people quickly isn’t quite as simple at it may appear on the surface. That must not keep us from trying.

We believe an imperfect ban is better than none when it comes to assault-style weaponry on our streets.

This country must enact a new federal ban on military-style assault weapons.

The Brady Campaign argues that a new federal ban should be modeled on California’s law, which uses a “one-feature” test to define outlawed weapons. Thus those with just one military-style feature are illegal.

The U.S. essentially outlawed machine guns in 1934. It’s time we took similar action against their very lethal descendants.

Arizona Daily Star

Gun Confiscation Reference April 2007

April 4, 2007
Salon: Repeal the Second Amendment

 Repeal the Second Amendment
The best way to reduce the odds of another blood bath like the one at Virginia Tech is to amend the Constitution and abolish the right to bear arms.
Walter Shapiro 2007-04-18
Fifteen unambiguous words are all that would be required to quell the American-as-apple-pie cycle of gun violence that has now tearfully enshrined Virginia Tech in the record book of mass murder. Here are the 15 words that would deliver a mortal wound to our bang-bang culture of death: “The second article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed.”

Despite a decade-long string of such political victories, the National Rifle Association still revels in the apocalyptic imagery of liberal jackboots trampling on the constitutionally guaranteed freedoms of gun-loving patriots. After the Democrats took control of Congress last November, the NRA issued a brochure that began ominously, “Second Amendment freedom today stands naked in the path of a marching axis of adversaries far darker and more dangerous than gun owners have ever known.”

Since the NRA would probably claim that legislation to ban private possession of atomic weapons is part of a plot to destroy the Second Amendment, maybe it is time for liberals to stop denying the charge. Authenticity and truth-telling often work better in politics than weaselly and palpably insincere statements like, “No one is more dedicated a hunter and lover of the Second Amendment than I am, but…” If gun-control advocates are going to be hanged in effigy for their views, they should at least have the momentary enjoyment of making a speech from the scaffold expressing their true sentiments. Without having to endlessly fret about the constitutionality of any regulatory effort to reduce gun-related deaths, liberals might be able to directly discuss the benefits of such legislation in terms that even open-minded members of the NRA might appreciate.

Looking at the Bill of Rights with more than two centuries’ hindsight, it is simply irrational that firearms have a protected position on par with freedom of speech and religion. Were Americans — liberal or conservative — writing a Constitution completely from scratch today, they probably would agree that something akin to “freedom to drive” was more far important than the “right to bear arms.” The rights of state militias (which many liberal legal theorists argue is the essence of the Second Amendment) are as much a throwback to an 18th century mind-set as restrictions on quartering soldiers in private homes during peacetime (the little-remembered Third Amendment).

Rather than ducking a debate with the conservatives over the eternal primacy of the Second Amendment, gun-control backers should embrace it. Since right-wing Republicans are zealously championing constitutional amendments on everything from abortion to a balanced budget, it would take intellectual jujitsu for them to explain why the First Amendment is worthy of improvement (by severing flag burning from free speech), but the Second Amendment unquestionably must remain sacrosanct. For only in Tom Clancy-esque mythology are weekend hunters carrying assault weapons a bulwark against tyranny. Only in a nation forged by 18th century concerns about liberty and states’ rights do firearms have a hallowed place in the Constitution.

It doesn’t have to be that way. Any more than we as Americans have to continually face the real-life meaning of that gruesome, blood-soaked, gun-toting word “massacre” because of the outmoded language of the Second Amendment.

[Our emphasis]

Evolution Of A Lie: “We’re not talking about taking guns away from people”

A Short Reference List Of Leftists Calling For Gun Confiscation [or any synonym thereof.]
Updated to Oct 2017

Mass murder shootings have become all too common these days due in no small part to the destruction of society’s moral underpinnings by the nation’s Left through the vestiges of cultural Marxism. They also revel in using such tragedies to advance their cause of depriving the people of their common sense civil right of armed self defense. Consequently, the minute one occurs the clarion call for even more people control will ascend from their ranks.

The past few years have seen their propaganda evolve and change, and this will be an examination of this evolution as well as a short reference list that puts the lie to their oft repeated talking point that no one is talking about taking guns away from people.

In the past, the gun grabbers rarely brought up Confiscationthe ‘C’ word. Back then, that was just for certain types of weapons with a divide and conquer strategy. At the time, the propaganda was epitomised by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif with this from a “60 minutes” interview on CBS: “If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them — Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in — I would have done it.”
Never mind that the term “Assault Weapon” has no set definition and could be applied to any type of object usable as a weapon to assault someone.

Even as recently as 2011 it was a case of where the nation’s Left was trying to implement gun control “but under the radar”

The contradictory line has always been as Nancy Pelosi said recently: “We’re not talking about taking guns away from people”. They have to maintain this fiction because confiscation requires the precursor steps of ‘Intergalactic Background Checks’ and registration. The people wouldn’t accede to these measures if they knew it meant their property was to be stolen from them. This is why the gun grabbers have solemnly promised that ‘Intergalactic Background Checks’ won’t lead to registration. And why gun grabbers solemnly promise that registration wouldn’t lead to Confiscation, or the other form when they are made an offer they couldn’t refuse in the form of a mandatory gun “Buy Back”. So, the gun grabbers had to maintain the lie that the ultimate objective of their endeavour wasn’t their ultimate objective.

But times have changed and these days the gun grabbers strive to maintain the fiction that they aren’t talking about confiscation while they talk about confiscation. This will be a guide to their calls for the repeal of the 2nd amendment, confiscation, banning of guns or whatever phrases they have chosen to employ. There really shouldn’t be any sort of list given the line “We’re not talking about taking guns away from people”. But since the nation’s Left will often lie out of both sides of their mouth, it will be an abbreviated enumeration of most of the recent occasions when they expressed a desire for “taking guns away from people”.

As mentioned previously, Leftists had confined their gun confiscation dreams certain kinds of weaponry. For example, In March 2012 there was one author “themoderateman” on the site ‘The Daily Kos’, Who out of the sheer generosity of his heart was willing to mete out the people’s common sense civil rights, letting them keep certain guns… but taking everything else:Yes conservatives, we want to take away your guns…
Such magnanimous generosity over our fundamental human rights did not last for long, however, soon after came the re-election of Barack Obama and the horrific mass murder at Sandy Hook in December 2012 and the floodgates opened up. The nation’s Left saw that time as an historic opportunity to be honest about what they truly wanted. Keyword searches before the Fall of 2012 of such terms as ‘Confiscation’ ,‘Gun ban’, ‘Repeal the 2nd amendment’ yielded few results. December 2012 saw an emboldened Left dropping the mask and expanding reach of their confiscation desires to semi-automatic firearms – and that would essentially be most firearms.

Governor . Andrew M. Cuomo (D – New York) inaugurated the proceedings with the words “Confiscation could be an option.”

That turning point in gun grabber history had them calling for confiscation whenever possible and they have never looked back. The same keyword searches will yield a deluge of results, this will just be a short compilation of those results.
[Note: Due to the sheer number of references, this will be an abbreviated list confined to just the links and short descriptions in some cases from the main players in the gun grabber realm]

December 2012
House Dem: ‘Turn in your guns’
The Daily Kos: How to Ban Guns: A step by step, long term process

Curiously enough, all this talk of gun confiscation didn’t ameliorate the people’s fears of gun confiscation and they rose in opposition to the practice, joined the NRA,GOA and local civil rights organizations, bought more guns and stocked up on ammunition. As is usually the case, the fervor died down until the next ‘serious crisis’ took place and the demands for Confiscation began once again. This has been repeated every time with the demands becoming more and more numerous:

May 2014
LA Times: Opinion You say gun control doesn’t work? Fine. Let’s ban guns altogether.

June 2014
Barack Obama: “A couple of decades ago, Australia had a mass shooting similar to Columbine or Newtown. And Australia just said, well, that’s it — we’re not seeing that again. And basically imposed very severe, tough gun laws.”

December 2014
Wisconsin gazette: Time is overdue to repeal the Second Amendment

January 7, 2015
Tallahassee Democrat: Stop the insanity: Ban guns

June 2015
Sun-Sentinel: Don’t just get rid of flag, get rid of the gun, too

Please note that this was a transitional time period for the nation’s Left they had gone from just wanting to ban the undefined construct “Assault Weapon” to some wanting to ban semi-auto firearms, while others wanted to confiscate everything. Over time this would evolve to most leftists wanting a complete ban on guns in various forms.

October 2015
Baltimore Sun: Repeal the Second Amendment
The Daily Kos: Effective Gun Control – A National Semi-Auto Ban

Hillary Clinton: “In the Australian example, as I recall, that was a buyback program.”…..“I think it would be worth considering doing it on the national level”

Barack Obama: “We know that other countries, in response to one mass shooting, have been able to craft laws that almost eliminate mass shootings. Friends of ours, allies of ours — Great Britain, Australia, countries like ours. So we know there are ways to prevent it.”
The Washington Post: A gun-free society

U.S. News & World Report: It’s True, Democrats Want to Take Your Guns

November 2015
The Daily Beast: Yes, They Want to Take Your Guns Away

December 2015
The New York Times: End the Gun Epidemic in America [First Front Page Editorial In 95 Years]
Huffington Post: We don’t need gun control. We need domestic disarmament
New Republic: It’s Time to Ban Guns. Yes, All of Them.
Salon: The Second Amendment must go: We ban lawn darts. It’s time to ban guns

June 2016
Rolling Stone: Why It’s Time to Repeal the Second Amendment

July 2016

Clinton Delegate Explains How Democrats Will Ban All Guns

October 2017
(CNN)Sachs: Ban semiautomatic assault weapons and save lives

Rawstory: So few Americans understand what the Second Amendment is really about — or its dark history [repeal the Second Amendment.]
New York Times: The Cancer in the Constitution [2nd amendment]
Prospect magazine: Dear America: it’s time to grow up and ban guns

Plan A Magazine: Ban Guns. Amend the Constitution.
The New York Times: Repeal the Second Amendment
The Week: Ban guns
Eugene Robinson: Gun control should include buyback program like Australia’s

Dan Pfeiffer: What to Bring to the Gun Fight [national gun registry, Tracking and limiting purchases of ammunition and a national gun buyback program]
Washington Post Editorial Board : “President Trump, end this ‘American carnage.'”[Australian-Style Gun Ban]

At this point in time the question has to be asked: Who HASN’T talked about taking guns away from people?

Originally Posted on the NOQ Report

Gun Confiscation Reference December 1993

La Times – Taming the Monster: Get Rid of the Guns : More firearms won’t make America safer–they will only accelerate and intensify the heartache and bloodshed

Taming the Monster: Get Rid of the Guns : More firearms won’t make America safer–they will only accelerate and intensify the heartache and bloodshed
December 28, 1993

At the same time, halfway measures, however well-intentioned, will not markedly reduce gun violence. Sure, we strongly supported the just-passed Brady bill, which imposes a mandatory period between the purchase and delivery of a handgun. Why not? And we endorse proposals to heavily tax as well as limit the availability of ammunition. Why not? And we back proposals to get tougher on gun criminals and to better enforce existing laws to license, tax and restrict the sale and importation of certain types of firearms. Who could be against such measures?


All of these will help, but none will address the core problem. Only by slicing away at this nation’s already vast and deadly arsenal of guns will we reduce the violence and the fear. You will not feel safe, your children will not be safe, until there are almost no guns on the streets and in homes.

No guns, period, except for those held by law enforcement officials and a few others, including qualified hunters and collectors. Without a drop in the number of guns already in circulation–200 million and rising hourly–no legislative reform, no matter how comprehensive or masterly, will produce a drop in gun crime any time soon. Conversely, measures to reduce the existing supply of firearms will work only if they are coupled with a near-total ban on private gun ownership.

We think the time has come for Americans to tell the truth about guns. They are not for us; we cannot handle them. They kill people, our children included. It’s time to get rid of them. Period.

Gun Confiscation Image Reference December 1993

La Times – Taming the Monster: Get Rid of the Guns : More firearms won’t make America safer–they will only accelerate and intensify the heartache and bloodshed