PragerU: Left or Liberal?

Dennis Prager presents the reasons why there is a vast difference between Leftists and Liberals.

One of the most fascinating results of directly interacting with
Leftists is the development of certain questions they cannot answer.
This is not just an arbitrary supposition, but something gleaned from
years of interactions with them. The reaction – or lack thereof – is very indicative of the worldview of the Socialist-Left.

Questions Leftists can’t answer.

Do you have the commonsense human right of self-preservation? [Yes or No]

Leftist can’t answer ‘yes’ to this one because it would negate their arguments for Liberty Control. They can’t answer ‘no’
because it would mean individuals have no value except as part of a
collective. In essence, that is their underlying belief, but they can’t
be honest about it in the least.

What is the legal justification for government control of private property with Intergalactic Background Checks?

They have no answer to this because there is none.
This belies their belief in the collective ownership of property. Once
again, an answer here would show too much of their collectivist belief

Are you a Leftist or a Liberal?

This differentiation between the two means that they aren’t interchangeable, despite that being the incorrect common usage. Leftists
cannot answer as being Liberal because they realise that it has been
shown that their use of that term implying support of Liberty is a ruse.
Recent events have shown that they only use certain terms to obtain power such as their adding ‘democratic’ to socialism. These imply something that is not the case.

In light of this, the latest video by Dennis Prager of PragerU lays out the case for the major differences between the two terms:

What’s the difference between a liberal and a leftist?
This question stumps most people because they think liberal and left are essentially the same.
But they’re not. In fact, liberalism and leftism have almost nothing in common.
But the left has appropriated the word “liberal” so effectively almost
everyone—liberals, leftists and conservatives—thinks they are
synonymous. But they’re not.
  Originally published on the NOQ Report


Author: Torcer

Differential equations teaches us that one can use the initial conditions of the present to extrapolate events in the near term balanced with the knowledge of the past. The interaction of technological advances and the march of history is fascinating. History can inform those willing to listen as to what will happen in the future because the laws of human natural are as immutable as the elegant equations of Newtonian physics.

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